100 Days Of Code
100 Days Of Code Github Wall
My experience with the #100DaysOfCode Challenge
I decided to try the #100DaysOfCode Challenge for a couple of reasons. First, to see how I would manage this and secondly to complete items that were languishing due to low motivation.
I did not tweet daily as is generally recommended. For me the public motivation / goal does not appeal. I also decided to finish my incomplete items first. And only then start anything new.
Code Complete
- Started and Completed - ‘Data Cleaning Cookbook’ by Michael Walker
- Completed - ‘Automate the boring stuff’ by AI Sweigart
- Python course in Udemy
- 100+ Python Exercises
Strictly does not fall into the coding challenge but I thought it relevant all the same.
- Completed Google Cloud Sprint course in Coursera
- LinkedIn Assessments - 4
Lessons Learnt
- Definitely works. Nothing like not wanting to miss the streak in the github profile as motivation !
- Was able to complete every item that had just been pending for no reason other than low motivation
- A very good experience, gives a confidence boost along with a sense of accomplishment
- If do-not-break-the-streak or chain works for you, this challenge is highly recommended
- I believe in complete digital detoxification for one day during the week / fortnight. Obviously, this could not happen with the #100DaysOfCode challenge
- Very easy to just go through the motions if fatigued